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TDK Simchat Torah Project

Wednesday, October 23, 2024 21 Tishrei 5785

All Day

A time to mourn, a time to dance - עֵ֥ת סְפ֖וֹד וְעֵ֥ת רְקֽוֹד   (Kohelet 3:4)

This year, The Denver Kehillah will be participating in a very special  program called The Simchat Torah Project, along with hundreds of other congregations around the world.  As we mark the first anniversary of the horrific attack of Simchat Torah /  Oct. 7th, , we realize that Simchat Torah will never be the same.

We will be commissioning a special Torah cover with the name of either a victim of the Oct. 7th attack or the name of an IDF soldier who died in Gaza.

Even as we dance with the Torah, we will take time on Simchat Torah to remember all those lost on that terrible day and those who died in the Gaza war. 

We are seeking sponsors (of any amount) to help us underwrite the costs of this program. Please click here to contribute. All contributors will be acknowledged on Simchat Torah.

Part of the program included a two day conference in Israel for a representative of TDK. IF you plan on being in Israel during that time and would like to represent TDK, please contact Rabbi Gelman.


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Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784